Third-Party Projects

The following projects are powered by Kord Extensions. If you'd like to see your project mentioned on this site, please contact us on Discord.

Please note that we are not responsible for the projects linked to below, and you use them at your own risk.

Discord Bots

Discord bots that use Kord Extensions.


HyacinthBots GPL 3.0

A Minecraft-modding-focused Discord bot, providing commands to look up mappings, or search for mods on mod hosting websites, among other things.



A TTRPG utility bot, including an advanced dice-roller, and with support for a wide range of game systems. Upcoming features include an initiative tracker, and potential integration with Discord Activities.

kose kata

mazziechai MPL 2.0

A fully-featured tag-management bot with many in-depth features, including the ability to link tags together, create tags from existing messages, and more.


HyacinthBots GPL 3.0

A general-purpose Discord bot with a focus on moderation tooling and general utilities, with support for link filtering, case management, and many other features.



NabBot integrates with Tibia, a MMORPG from 1997, providing a variety of utility commands, an account-linking system including linked roles, level/death announcements, and much more.


DRSchlaubi MIT

A self-hostable soundboard bot with a Web UI, built using the Mikbot meta-framework. Allows users to play sound effects in Discord voice channels without paying for Nitro.


VoteBot MIT

Simple voting bot that can create pie charts from the results. This is a Mikbot plugin with a hosted instance available.


Libraries that add features to Kord Extensions, or integrate well with KordEx bots.


DRSchlaubi MIT

A meta-framework built on top of KordEx, which provides a plugin framework, GDPR compliance tools, and built-in database tools, among other things.


Tools that make working with Kord Extensions easier.


HyacinthBots MIT

A simple tool that generates a Markdown file, which contains documentation on all of the commands registered to your Kord Extensions bot on startup.